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Welcome to our brand new website

Welcome to our brand new website
Category: News
Views: 13375
Comments: 0 [Post]

To the people who've known about me writing this website over a long period of time. We're finally live :)

It gives me great pleasure in welcoming you to this brand new website for Peter Benson (Plywood) Limited.

As most things we do here, this website was programmed in house. Yes, to the people who have known about this project, it has taken a while. But I hope when  you get chance to use this website, you appreciate that the time taken was worth it.

If you have any suggestions to make the website better or you would like see a certain product adding to the website. Please drop me an email or leave a comment below and I'll see what I can do.

From everyone at Peter Benson (Plywood) Limited, we like to thank all the customers who have supported us over the last 30 years + and we wish a warm welcome to all the new customers in the future.

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